Archives: 2003
2003 was the year I sort of got serious about art. Oh, I tried to get serious about art back in 2000 when I attempted to go freelance, but the disaster that it was - though it taught me many valuable things about requiring deposits on portraits and How Not To Make a Living At Art - sort of shied me away from serious art for a while. By 2003, I had a nice comfy job, sort of using my degree, and business was a nice sideline for the time. I pretty much didn't take commissions during this time, and doodled. Frittered, if you will. The muse, however, began to feel slighted, and took me by the scruff of the neck and said - darn you, do some stuff. Some finished stuff.

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Tue, 22 Oct 2024 05:23:36 -0700
Ellen Million Graphics: Taking the Starving out of Artists since 1993