Archives: 1999
1999 was big, for me. At the first of the year, I put everything I'd need for 6 months of living into big old duffle bags and moved to Sweden to study at the Lulea Tekniska Universitet (Lulea Technical University) with Jake. That was the best move I've ever made. For one, I'd never done the college-away-from-parents thing because, although I didn't live at my parents house, it was a short walk from UAF, my business was mostly stored in their basement and hey - free laundry. So, this was a whole new world in that department, and we back-packed around Europe for 8 weeks after the semester was over. This was also the first time I went anywhere tropical - they have these awesome cheap flight packages to Mallorca and Canary Islands from Sweden, and wow was that decadent and wonderful! Me, Jake, three Aussies and a New Yorker rented a van and drove from Lulea into Norway, and then down the Lofoton islands. Some of the most gorgeous scenery you will ever see, and oh, the adventures. Someday, I will have to write about breaking into the student housing building, and skipping rocks in a half-frozen lake, and getting the van stuck, and all the crazy places we stayed...

The downside, I didn't do a lot of art.

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Ellen Million Graphics: Taking the Starving out of Artists since 1993